Teen Titans Go! (2013– )
:"( ....can I cry?
31 December 2013
I am a total huge fan of Teen Titans (original)! I would literally sit for hours just watching episodes on the internet.I didn't just love them I was IN Love with them.The last episode that aired "Things Change" left me flabbergasted.I couldn't believe they canceled it ...I was depressed.When I heard They were coming back I was super hyped I cried tears of joy, but now as I sit here I can honestly tell you I'm weeping tears of sorrow and am now even more depressed.

Teen Titans Go! Has completely lost all the spark and originality the first Teen Titans had.I'm not even feeling the new theme song either.The original Teen Titans did have it's funny moments but this show totally blows it out of proportion! Basically all the episodes are compromised of dry "slap-stick" humor that makes me want to run in the kitchen and fetch some water. I can handle comedy but at this level it's just unbearable and ANNOYING! What happened to the cool crime fighting superheroes that could actually have serious segments ...oh yeah they're over there on the couch blowing raspberries in each other's belly buttons shouting , "MEATBAAAAAALS!!!" ...smh

The characters in the original series had depth and personality ...now? I don't even know who they are any more.Robin use to be be the brave ,independent , some what uptight leader of the group .I respected him.Now,I could just die! What did they do to him ? He's acting just as goofy and lazy as Beast Boy! Cyborg use to be soooo cool now he's just lame.Even Beast Boy ,as comedic as his character was ,is now just irritating.I understand Beast Boy is naturally a goof-ball and jester like one of the group.Honestly ,even back then he was annoying ,but very lovable which made me like him.He and his boy trio are dead to me. Starfire and Raven still have their original vibe to them but being placed in this dead plotted random overly comedic story line has suffocated them I must admit.At least I can say they're okay.

Seriously, what were the producers thinking ? I know Teen Titans Go! Would never be like the original TT ,but did they really think they could get by with feeding us this garbage? This show stinks with disappointment and in a way it's like the creators telling us to kiss their butt because they obviously don't care about their viewers. Ughhh I feel like they are mocking me as I conclude this review .This show makes me cringe but I take mercy by giving it a 2 (trust me you don't wanna know what I was really gonna rate...it would be below zero ). In reality though the show isn't utterly detestable just as I said disappointing and annoying .I guess I should change my summary from "Can I cry ?" To " When can I see my beloved babies again?"

This is not the Teen Titans I know and I will refuse to accept other wise.Right now I'll just say they're "lost at sea" I just hope they haven't drowned and are gone forever ....
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