Needed more editing
25 December 2013
This could have gained at least 6 stars in my rating had the editor left more of the movie on the cutting room floor. There are many scenes that should have been deleted to make this movie move more cleanly. The lighting, or rather the lack of, in the first half of the movie nearly had me checking my television. There are too many scenes where there is a bright light in the background and the subjects are dimly lit. That's fine for Law & Order, they know how to do it, but if there was a reason to have such unbalanced lighting, it didn't come across.

No problems with the acting but the DP shot some scenes in a manner that didn't seem to fit, such as the scene were one of the women was cutting bread. It was discordant.

More lighting, more film on the floor, and some improvement in camera work and this movie might have garnered a star or two more in my book.
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