Prime Target (1991)
OK so the movie has problems ..... but it is strangely watchable
22 December 2013
The VHS for this low budget affair incredibly starts out with David Heavener pitching some kind of contest, where you call him for $2.00/ minute. Is this possibly to cover the movie's micro budget getting blown? Either way, the first thing that will get your attention as cheaping out, is there are no extra's milling about, especially noticeable in the final shootout on the court house steps. I mean guns blazing, snipers falling off roofs, and the town is completely deserted, except for the combatants? Every cent must have been spent on the car chases, and pyrotechnics. The script is so simple, a ten year old could have written it. So why is the movie still watchable? It's got a very intriguing cast of supporting actors. What's not to like about Don Stroud, Isaac Hayes, Andy Robinson, or Tony Curtis? The film includes some humorous exchanges between Heavner and Curtis, brief nudity, and a catchy C&W tune. You could do a lot worse than "Prime Target". - MERK
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