Secret Weapons (1985 TV Movie)
A very entertaining movie but one in the beginning years for Geena Davis
22 December 2013
This movie is an good movie and entertaining. However there are a lot of movie watchers that really like Geena Davis today but she is not the star in this one but now she typically is the star from the early 90's up to today 2013. Linda Hamilton is very good as the star and was also good in Terminator. I watch just about anything Geena Davis is in as she is very good and her choices for what she plays in is usually good as of the 90's and going forward. Netflix indicated that the date for this movie is 2002 and by looking at it you can tell it had to be before that. The correct date is 1985 as shown in the Information here. If you do like Geena Davis then The Long Kiss Goodnight is a terrific action thriller and Speechless with Michael Keaton is also good and is more of a comedy.
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