Dog Fighting has to stop. This is a new beginning
5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I seen this movie and cried part of the way thru it. It was very emotional as I cannot stand to see abuse in any form to an animal. They don't deserve what us horrible humans have done to them. (The bad humans)

I believe all dog fighting and abusers should be put on a blacklist or like a registry so people can watch out for them and what they may be doing in the future. We have to stop the killing and torturing and dogs killing one another and the people behind it. So many dogs I see in shelters that have been torn apart or a shovel stuck thru there head. Just horrific things.It breaks me heart. Laws need to change. Gordon, your a hero in my eyes for bringing awareness to this problem in our country and for sacrificing yourself to help make a difference. Being a pit bull owner myself, I am very defensive about people slamming breeds. It is what the owners have trained them to do. The dog is only doing what he is told to do. Under normal conditions, when dogs attack..they attack for two reasons..food and territory. Territory is a wide scope. But people that hurt these animals..are horrible people and need to be brought to justice with harsh penalties. Gordon keep up the good work and I support you 100%.
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