You Ought Not to be in Pictures...
16 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Gilligan discovers a sunken yacht in the lagoon. Gilligan and the Skipper manage to fish out two large crates which contain costumes and an old fashioned film projector with plenty of new film to shoot. Seeing this as their chance to be rescued, our castaways make a film that turns out to be far less clear than it is funny.

Silly? Of course! But this particular episode manages to overcome that aspect by being a little clever and the silent gags fit right in with the sense of humor that Gilligan's Island is all about.

Highlights include Gilligan describing the location of the ship he found, the Skipper being embarrassed at being seen in his underwear, Mr. Howell not being quite so home on a raft. Gilligan have a bit of an issue with his scuba suit, Ginger, Mary Ann and Gilligan having fun with the costumes, any scene with Mr. Howell as director of the picture, and the shooting and showing of the picture which are the real highlights of the episode.

Funny, silly and sometimes hilarious, this is one of the better episodes of the season. Well worth viewing and can serve as an introduction to Gilligan's Island for the one or two people who have not seen any of the episodes yet.

Tidbits & Trivia

  • So, where did the scuba suit come from? Well, If I'm going to ask that, I might as well ask just how they made the air hoses out of bamboo.

  • The famous goof mentioned in the "Goof" section of seeing a car in the background is actually more pronounced than that. You can actually see a wall and other equipment lying around as well. This appears to be near the entrance to the set itself.

  • The fate of Fifi La France and Ricardo Laughingwell, the husband and wife owners of South Seas Film Productions remains unknown. Although it may be fair to say that they did not survive whatever wrecked their boat.

  • The Skipper's line, "...we are not here to have fun, we are here to get off the island." always cracks me up.

  • The very idea of shooting a film as the story of how they were shipwrecked and got the idea to get off the island is certainly bizarre to say the least, but somehow it fits in with the crazy logic that our castaways have demonstrated since the beginning.

  • "Cecil B. Howell" is a marvelous, almost different character than Jim Backus normally plays. His continued yelling of "Quiet!! You Birds!" before each scene is particular funny, especially because its a silent picture with no sound required at all.

  • For an experienced movie actress, Ginger seems awfully amateur during this production. Flaunting herself in front of the camera and continually preceding the call for "Action". Well, she probably is excited to get in front of the camera again.

  • One thing that is unexplained is who got the camera out far enough to get a complete shot of the island? - Mr. Howell's line, "I'd walk out of that picture even on an airplane." is arguably one of the great lines of the series, one I've certainly used from time to time.

  • So, no one recognized any of the castaways when their film was viewed? Not even Mr. or Mrs. Howell who appeared without makeup on? At least they must have packed maps, charts and directions to their island...right?
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