The Wife He Met Online (2012 TV Movie)
Cyberspace Romance
14 December 2013
Somehow, this average film captivated me and I watched the whole length of it. The name of the film relates to the life of many unattached people nowadays – cyberspace dating! So perhaps it should be viewed before venturing into a relationship based on e-mail and Skype, without actual networking, family or school connections. There is romance in this film but it is not a "You Got Mail" or "Restless in Seattle" either.

I was intrigued because it was made in Canada, with many Canadian Actors, thus far seen on TV soaps, or Dancing with the Stars, or some horror movies, in short – unknowns. But the acting was good. There is a plot that moves along, and at the end there is an odd moment when Bryant receives a package from the on-line dating company congratulating the two correspondents wishing them a good life together. What was a bit unbelievable are the excellent relations between the ex-wife and her new husband and the ex-husband….somehow it does not seem that real. I was impressed by the costume designs by Andy Tait, Georgia in particular was beautifully attired throughout the film.
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