King Kelly (2012)
Someone is dead, long live...
14 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
'King Kelly' starts out pretty hot and titillating, but not before long it turns into some sort of a Blair Witch project, but filmed with only cellphones - how's about a camera on a tripod every now and then (in itself not necessarily a problem - BWP got away with it quite well)? Instead of a witch, the search is on for a bag of dope and in between people are celebrating the fourth of July, take assorted drugs and let the plot get out of hand, inch by inch, on a long and winding road. If things were somehow poignant and / or well-acted, I'd still be game, but unfortunately, no... even if the actors aren't doing too badly and some parts do have that 'diamond in the rough' quality to them.

It's supposed to be a comedy (Imdb reference) - a satire of some sort? - but beyond one moment (''You're not even fat!'') I haven't laughed at all. 5 out 10, and I might be generous there.
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