Disturbed (2009 Video)
14 December 2013
What is really disturbing about this film is that it was made into a film. The acting, if that is what you could call it, was the worse acting I have ever seen in my life. Pity too, because the lighting and camera work was quite good, the scripting was almost adequate, the music was pretty cool ... but the story is the same old crappy story of a thousand other hack films and there was not one person in the film that could act their way into a vintage Mickey Mouse cartoon.

The cast was attractive, though many of the males come off as gay guys pretending to be straight ... and the killer actually wears a black pull-over that says "Prisoner" on the back. Like we couldn't have guessed that from the trail of bodies left behind.

All in all ... this is a real stinker of a film that should never have made it to your local grocery store's bargain bin ... it belongs in a land fill ... right next to Jimmy Hoffa! Which is probably the only place that was never searched for the man! I give this film a one star rating because IMDb doesn't allow anything less!
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