Person of Interest (2011–2016)
8+ Out of 10? Seriously?!
13 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Are people really this dumb? 'An action thriller with substance', 'Realistic', 'fresh', 'Something new'...are the people who wrote these reviews watching the same program as me?

I've just watched the first 4 episodes. For anyone with even a smattering of intellect, this is no more than throwaway entertainment, and not even 'decent' throwaway stuff at that.

'Fresh', 'New'? In exactly what way? Just a thinly disguised vigilante plot.

'Realistic'? Ha! This is not fantasy, sci-fi nor remotely futuristic. It is explicitly set in present time by their 9/11 reference. However, the technology used and events that occur are far from realistic. In fact the goings on and constantly serendipitous occurrences in each episode are outright ridiculous. For example:

  • All the bad guys keep GPS active on their phones for convenient instant tracking, and none of them think to buy anonymous pay as you go mobiles. - Back door into NSA systems without their knowing? Yeah right - Can listen through any cellphone's microphone, and of course conversations can be heard perfectly even if the phone is in someone's handbag, inside pocket or located in a noisy nightclub.

There is coincidence after coincidence too. Typical example Reese enters bad guy's house. His cell rings immediately: 'FINCH: did you get to that house yet?' God! It's just so contrived. You might forgive one such lucky occurrence per episode, but not this many.

Apart from the 2 main characters, the acting is poor. No better than low rate bit part actors. The terrible script doesn't help matters either.

Let me illustrate how bad it is. This happens in the first 20 mins of so of episode 4:

-Doctor gives paramedic arriving at the ER directions to a department. Erm...I think these guys will know the hospital well enough already! -Finch switches the doctors pager. WHY?!!! He can apparently track a grain of sand in the dessert, but now he has to switch a pager to track it? -Reese constantly touches his invisible ear piece when talking. Why? Does he talk through his ear?!-Nightclub CCTV camera shot tracks the bad guy before Finch is even aware of him. -Reese steals bad guys wallet by magic -Reese knocks guy out with one punch. They guy has no bruising whatsoever. -Reese is instantly knocked out by being hit on the shoulder with a gun! -Reese take 3 FULL FORCE punches to the face. Broken nose, knocked out teeth, black eyes, blood everywhere? Of course not - just a tiny cut under his eye!

... the list goes on. It's just once silly thing after another.

This is just dumbed-down entertainment for the masses. The format doesn't help. In 45 minutes they have to introduce the episode's characters, establish why they have been chosen, work out how to resolve the situation and do the resolving. This makes it all too rushed and means it will never be anything more than shallow.

I can't argue against people liking this and rating it 8/10, it is somewhat subjective after all, but to call it original, realistic, and something of substance? These people probably enjoy this along with z-list celebrity reality TV.
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