Home Improvement: The Flirting Game (1997)
Season 6, Episode 13
Flirting with Disaster.
10 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's Antique Tool Time as Tim and Al look at some tools of yester-year, like a pedal-powered lathe, a rope making machine,a hog oiler, and a sausage stuffer, which Tim puts to good use to demonstrate an old family recipe on making sausage. He even adds some antacids as a precautionary measure. At home, the Taylors receive a visit from a beautiful blonde woman (Brad's dream come true), except there's a catch: she's a door-to-door saleslady trying to push some cleaning supplies. After a short spiel, Tim is practically sold. But was it the product or the seller he was in to? $40 later, Tim was now the proud owner of a case of Liquid Wonder cleaner, which may or may not actually work. Jill immediately points out how the lady flirted with Tim to get him to buy her crap, but naturally he didn't notice. After that, Jill goes for a job interview, and it seemed to go alright. After all, she's a shoe-in, what with her 19 years' experience with abnormal behavior. So as she and Patty drive home, talking about the future career of Dr. Jill Taylor, they suddenly see flashing lights behind them accompanied by the wail of a siren. Jill pulls over and Officer Mike Starr asks for her license and registration. She makes an impassioned plea to be let off with a warning, subconsciously flipping her hair over her ear in an unintentionally flirtatious manner, swearing she'll never, ever, ever in a million, billion years ever speed again. Starr graciously decides to let her off.

As the girls continue on their way, Patty calls out Jill for flirting with the copper, and though she denies it at first, she quickly realizes she was guilty as charged. And after that big to-do with Tim and the saleslady flirting with him, it sure made Jill look like a hypocrite. Well, this certainly wouldn't be the first time. Later that night, Officer Starr comes by the Taylor house, having accidentally walked off with Jill's license. Tim overhears their conversation as Jill asks the cop to give her that speeding ticket, and he declines. When Tim hears her explanation for what transpired, he finds it laughable, but Jill still feels guilty, so she goes out to talk to Wilson, and it seems that Liquid Wonder woman got to him as well. He tells her it's a normal occurrence, due to women being at a disadvantage in today's society and they often resort to such tactics to level the playing field. On the flip side, Wilson mentions how he himself flirts with the librarian to get his favorite book. Next day, Jill dresses like a schoolmarm to quell any possibilities of flirting at that second interview. She sits patiently in Dr. Matthews' office as he finishes with another applicant, who clearly flirts with him. Thinking that her perspective boss is into that type, Jill vainly hikes up her skirt, unbuttons her shirt and whips her hair around...and then comes back down to reality and decides to go with her original look. She really sells herself to Matthews... you know what I mean. He assures her that he isn't the type who hires based on flirting, but by qualifications, and as a result, Jill gets the job! She hopes Tim learned a lesson from all this. Huh?! Out of left field or not, that statement will come to pass in the next scene where Tim is pulled over for speeding. He tries in vain to flirt with the female office, but she has none of it and instead administers a sobriety test.

That face Tim makes at the officer toward the end is priceless! I found this episode to be better than I remembered it. I actually found myself rooting for Jill at the interview scene, and I felt for her right up to the part where she tells Tim she hopes he's learned "his" lesson from all this. Hello? You're the one who flirted your way out of a ticket. Typical Jill, always finding a way of turning everything around to look like it's Tim's fault. The guy in me found Pat Richardson to be really cute in her "flirting" scene, as well as at the office when she tries to dress down to impress the doctor. Well, man and woman alike should enjoy the episode, because, let's face it, we've all been there.
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