Home for the Holidays
3 December 2013
To me what makes Christmas the most enjoyable is to spend it with your family, the people that are closest to you and love; to me that sums up what it's true meaning (or one of them) for me is about togetherness. This is another film based on the Christmas holiday that I enjoy, one of my personal favorites for Christmas and another relic from my childhood that to this day as an adult I still enjoy.

Not a whole lot I can say, this animation is great at least by the standards of the comic strip it's based on but I wouldn't have it any other way. The music is good and fun, it's not quite as memorable in my book not a lot of songs stick out to me, except for the song "Christmas is here" which I thought was touching.

But as usual with Garfield what drives it are the characters and their all great in their own way. Garfield, Odie, and Jon are still well them. Jons family whom were new characters never in the strip except till after this special didn't disappoint they all were fun characters in their own way and have a good line or two. However the one supporting character that really stands out and steels the show is Grandma, she is just hilarious and awesome. Her character has so much energy, crackling sarcasm, feistyness, but also some genuine emotion.

The humor is great as usual there are a lot of great moments. I like both the verbal and visual humor with Garfield and even Grandma. Two of my favorite moments with Garfield was that dream sequence with the Santa machine which I think is really cool and I wanted one because whatever you want all you have to do is think it up and it will give it to you without pay; if I want an "X-Box One" it will give it to me by just mere thought. Yeah I know this machine would not be possible (except may'be in the Star Trek franchise with it's replicator technology)but it's still a fun thought.

And of course there was the infamous death defying climb to put the star on top of the tree. I know it was a small moment, but it's funny because we kinda can emphasize with this. Even though the star is the best part of the tree, putting it up can be a real pain(that is if you don't have a step ladder) letting alone trying to get the darn thing to balance on that top.

And there were two moment with Grandma that stuck out, one where she showed irritation toward Doc Boy and hits him with a punch spoon, it's a small moment it's just I really liked that look because that's the kind of look I have when I lose my patience and on a side note I hate being patient.

To me the best moment with her and the film, was a really touching and sad scene when she tells the story of Grandpa to Garfield. I'll admit that scene always put tears in my eyes and kinda now hits a little to close to home since my grandparents passed on.

The film though has a good message which Garfield basically sums up, "It's not the getting, it's not the giving, it's the loving." Those words ring true to this day.

Rating: 4 stars
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