Almost antiquated in today's world, "Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy" is fun, action-packed platform gaming at its finest!
2 December 2013
Ah, "Jak and Daxter", a game that it shockingly already 12 years old. (Making me feel like quite the old man, having played it not long after its original release.) It is a nostalgic remnant and figment of my teen-aged years, huddled around an old 19" standard-def television in my room, playing my trusty old PS2 through those clunky yellow-red-white AV cables, staring at a grainy, pixelated image that seems almost neanderthalian by today's standards.

Those truly were the days, weren't they?

Created by Naughty Dog, the same company who later went on to create classics like the iconic "Uncharted" series, and the stunning zombie- horror game "The Last of Us", "Jak and Daxter" follows... well... Jak and Daxter, two heroes who are forced to save the world from an evil force.

At the start of the game, best buds Jak (a silent, but still oddly compelling teenager) and Daxter (a fast-talking smart-alec) go to the mysterious "Misty Island" to have a look around, despite being told repeatedly not to go. However, after an accident, Daxter is knocked into a vat of a mysterious substance called "Dark Eco", which transforms him into a strange weasel-like animal. The duo also see two mysterious figured plotting possible dastardly deeds with an army of monsters. Troubled by the turn of events, the two are then sent on a mission to stop the creatures and try to figure out a way to restore Daxter back to his human (well, "humanoid") form.

Yes, it's a simple set-up, but this is a game based almost exclusively on impressive gameplay and exploration, so I can forgive a less developed storyline.

And that gameplay is impressive, and the game itself a well-constructed piece of software from yester-year.

The graphics for the time were a blast. Able to cover not only bright and colorful scenes almost reminiscent of a Warner Bros. cartoon, but also dark, dreary sequences when the game is at more critical moments, the visuals are a feast for the eyes. (Although they haven't aged well and are a bit blockier than later PS2 releases) And the visual design is just fun, fun, fun! The voice acting, though limited, is very nice, particularly from Daxter. Some complain that they found him annoying, but I found Daxter's mile-a-minute mouth to be charming and amusing. The controls are also perfect, making the 3D platform gaming tight and intuitive.

The difficulty level is also just right. It's simple and fun, yet also is able to provide some nice challenges, particularly for completionists who want to discover every secret of the game.

The only place this game loses a point is in the fact that that many missions do get repetitive, and at times, certain elements and goals feel tacked on and underdeveloped. But this is only a small error in a game that otherwise feels pretty much flawless.

"Jak and Daxter" is a darned great game. And it is well worth playing. (As are it's darker, grittier sequels) I give it a great 9 out of 10. It's a blast, and you should definitely give it a shot!
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