Full Circle (I) (2013)
Full Circle has come full circle
22 November 2013
You don't expect great humor when you go to an inner city shoot-em up like "FULL CIRCLE". You also don't expect to get a little Gene Kelly "Singing in the rain" light hearted fun. Now don't get me wrong this film is heavy in violence, chicks and language but even you white folk like myself will blow right by all that because you're having such a great time. In this day and age we're living in, why in the world aren't the major studios making films like this or at least picking up guys like Slick(Solvan Naim) and Olli Koivula. These two Directors deliver a full and arousing inner city film with a lot of heart. I dare you not to fall in love with Slick's character in this film. The villain is so damn good, I'm still having bad dreams about him. The cast is one of the best ensembles in over a decade. Slick and Tiandra Gayle(Casting Director) have done something special here. You would have to live in Brooklyn your entire life to find this many rich characters and that's exactly what Slick did. The utter rawness and reality of this film goes home with you along with hilarious characters and their impossible situations. Films like Traffic, End of Watch and Training Day come to mind when thinking about this film and its up and coming cast and crew. I would love to distribute this film domestically on over 500 screens.

Todd Blood: President of Exhibitors First Distribution.
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