Home Improvement: Futile Attraction (1998)
Season 7, Episode 18
Mind Your Own Business.
30 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Fool Time kicks off (I wish it would kick off) with a painfully unfunny segment on golf. Well, maybe it's funny if you're 6-years-old. The long and short of it is that Tim makes Al and their special guest professional golfer look bad, then he installs a .44 magnum gun barrel in his golf club, sending his simulated golf ball to the moon. He gloats around, feeling like a white person's answer to Tiger Woods, and all I want to do is wrap that golf club around his stupid head. After work, Al puts on his Ace Ventura costume, ready to go to happy hour at the Tiki Hut, when suddenly Heidi reveals some bad news: she and Scott have separated. She asks to take some time off work and leaves. Tim suggests Al take her to the Tiki Hut with him and be her shoulder to cry on. Be there for her in this time of need. So, Al reluctantly goes about his task. At home, Jill's sick as a dog. Tim brings her home one of every cold remedy known to man. He mentions Heidi's marital woes to Jill, who wants to call her and give her a woman to talk to, but Tim says she's got the next best thing: Al. Well, Borland certainly has the touch, because Heidi's back at Tool Time the next day. She and Al had the most intimate talks, mostly regarding Heidi and Scott's sex life, or lack thereof. Nosy Tim wants to know every juicy detail.

There may be more going on with Al and Heidi that meets the eye, for the very next morning when Tim tries to call Al, Heidi answers the phone. Tim puts on his worst Kermit the Frog impression and hangs up. After that, he starts fantasizing about the two of them together and feels sick to his stomach. Jill tries to tell him nothing happened, but Tim won't listen to reason, so he makes it his mission to spy on his two friends to see if they're more than friends. He tries to get info out of Al, but he stands firm that he and Heidi are entitled to their privacy, so Tim decides to resort to voyeurism and sneak over to Al's house with binoculars. Thankfully Jill stops him and concludes he's acting like a big baby over the whole thing. Amen to that. So Tim goes to talk with Wilson, who hopefully can sort out this mess. He reveals Al told him about he and Heidi, and even mentioned that the Fool Man had searched his locker for long, brown hairs. Wilson tells Tim about cognitive dissonance, which might explain his trouble grasping the concept of Al and Heidi hooking up, seeing as how he never cared about their personal lives before this. Tim then rambles on about how if that is true, everything he knows his wrong. However, the dumbbell eventually brings himself to admit to Al he was wrong to pry, and reaffirms that he shows no interest in any other aspect of the flannel man's life. That's when Heidi appears, baring a special gift for Al: the Tiki Hut Cookbook (now he can make pu-pu at home). It was her way of saying thanks, and because of Al's advice, she and Scott are getting back together. However, out of curiosity, Al asks hypothetically if it were possible for someone like Heidi to be interested in somebody like him. She says that if she weren't married, she'd be on him in a minute. Then they share a friendly smooch, which Tim happens to witness. He rushes home to tell Wilson about the kiss, which leads Wilson to say what we're all thinking: "Tim, get a hobby!" Then he heads off for a date. Tim walks away saying he needs some new friends. May I recommend a good clinical lobotomist?

Despite Tim being a complete jerkoff in this episode and Tim Allen taking every opportunity to mug and ramble like an ass, I really enjoyed the scenes with Al and Heidi. Richard Karn and Debbe Dunning do have good chemistry together, and Debbe also shows that she CAN act when given the opportunity. If you like Al and Heidi, I'd recommend this episode, and if Tim had only relaxed his overacting just a little, it might have been funnier. Ever wondered if a Rambler could hook bumpers with a Ferrari? The answer may surprise you.
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