Crackerjack (2002)
A ripper Ausstralian film with an important message
29 November 2013
Crackerjack has a wonderful cast of Australian actors covering a very Australian subject of a sporting club struggling to survive and remain relevant in Australia. This film is an absolute gem from start to finish. The standout is Mick Molloy cast as the lead in a role which is perfect for his self effacing , lets have some fun demeanor. He is the gel that pulls the film along and takes you for the ride as the other legends of Australian film and TV play their parts to perfection. The film delivers a strong message that the places and people you take for granted today may not be there tomorrow and the world will be a poorer place for it. So like Jack , if the opportunity arises to keep something worthwhile going, take the challenge and be part of something that can be really great.
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