Review of Serendipity

Serendipity (2001)
Aggressive performance spoils movie
28 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can see why this got made - its one of those movies with a good idea that for me fails in the actualisation.

The time they spent together which was supposed to kick off the film... this amazing awesome wonderful time in a few hours didn't come across. Apart from Cusack's character claiming how great it was, it wasn't painted at all.

Cusack is miscast - he's not attractive enough for this sort of role IMO. And his aggressive performance through the film is very off-putting. Add to that his spending the time before his wedding chasing someone else - that firmly nails the coffin on any identification I could possibly have had with this character. The plot would have been much improved if he'd decided to end the fiancée relationship because he needed to look for this woman rather than be such a slime-ball.
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