25 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Sequels have a hard time even equaling the success of their predecessor, but The Hunger Games: Catching Fire does give the first movie in this series a real run for supremacy. Why? The story just keeps building upon itself, with many twists and turns that keep the viewer kept off guard the way through. If you have read the books, you know what is going to happen, but bringing the book to life is what amazes me.

Suzanne Collins wrote an amazing book, that was turned into a first rate script by screenwriters Simon Beaufoy and Michael Arndt. The cast brings to life the characters that Suzanne Collins created for her dystopian world. Donald Sutherland plays President Snow very well in both movies, in many ways he is the perfect villain. Jennifer Lawrence does a wonderful job bring to life Katniss Everdeen, and has run the gamut of emotions in both movies; in every sense she is the perfect heroine.

Because this movie has only been in the theaters for approximately 3 days at the time of this writing I won't describe in detail big amounts of scenes. I would like to encourage you to watch the movie as soon as possible. I will give my rating now though of 10 stars out of 10; really just to get it out of the way.

I will tell you three things I liked about the film.

First, I liked the emotional roller coaster that each character had to travel over the course of this film. Each character, from Katniss, Peeta Malark (Josh Hutcherson), Effie Trinket (Elizabeth Banks) and Haymitch Abernathy (Woody Harrelson) to Cinna (Lenny Kravitz), Snow, Johanna and Finnick (Sam Claflin). Taken as a whole the roller coaster of emotions makes sense, and they are a big part of the movie. Every scene invokes a different emotion and sometimes more than one at the same time.

Second, I will describe one scene because it has nothing to do with the plot of the movie. After all the tributes are introduced in the parade, Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch are making their way to the District 12 apartments, Johanna Mason from District 7, joins them in the elevator. Johanna is disgusted by the dress her stylist makes her wear and begins disrobing in front of the others. She asks Peeta to unzip her dress and then peels it off, leaving her naked. Katniss is visibly disturbed by this. Haymitch and Peeta give admiring glances. Don't worry, nothing is shown. It is a PG-13 movie after all. It's just the idea of Johanna Mason (Jenna Malone) disrobing is... exciting.

The third thing I liked was the graphics. The graphics in Catching Fire play a big part in the film and were excellently done. Since the graphics play a big part in this film I won't describe them, however, I will say that without them the whole series would probably be very boring.
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