Family Guy: Life of Brian (2013)
Season 12, Episode 6
You stuffed up!
24 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Never before have I ever seen a episode like that, you kill of one of the biggest characters in the show!

And not just that, you kill him off in such a disrespectful way it's disgusting and then YOU GO AND GODDAMN REPLACE HIM IN THE SAME EPISODE!!!! I mean COME ON it's the biggest Screw you to the most respectful character in the show!!! Brian and Stewies adventures are some of the funniest episodes! Brian was my favorite character because he's not always completely stupid and actually can be serious. Now the whole thing is gonna be Peter doing stupid things and this new dog Vinny for Vincent or whatever is gonna come in and do god knows what??? What where you writers thinking, doing something so stupid! And why kill him off, why not Meg?? Megs long running "Meg is ugly" joke has been running 12 season and isn't funny anymore! I think killing off a character is to compete with The Simpsons when they killed off a character and to compete you had to kill off the most important character!! Please FA writers.. If you see this please bring Brian back somehow!! Make this episode just a dream!
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