It's a PASSer!
23 November 2013
We had "House of 9", we had "Would you rather" now we have "The Devil's Dozen". Movies with the same plot are starting to become a phenomenon sadly, cause lets face it, we have 100 The Blair Witch Project & Paranormal Activity copies, easily another 200 zombie movies per year, exorcism films are becoming a trend and haunted houses + gore are becoming something of a natural thing here.

Did we need "The Devil's Dozen? No! Is it really that bad? Well let's think: 1) the acting, especially from the ladies, is laughable, annoying and just sad. 2) there is one Afro-American here and they made a complete stereotype out of him. 3) way too easy to predict. at one point one character says "I did not see that coming". Hah! That was one funny line tho. 4) originality? far from it. 5) nice kill-shots? nothing like that here. 6) logic? escaped from min 5 I think, run away and left you alone with Devil's Dozen. maybe you'll be luckier, and see it with some friends and laugh a little.

Therefore, The Devil's Dozen is nothing new, nothing impressive, slightly under average, not a complete letdown, but it's way too easy to find something better. Therefore, my advice, leave it, try "House of 9" that one has some good parts as I remember.

Anyway, if you do decide to watch it, and you have seen other horrors like it, post a comment here, tell us what you think, is this a good add to the gender, or sadly, another Dozen movie.....
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