Hit 'n Strum (2012)
A wonderful movie to be enjoyed
21 November 2013
what a wonderful movie! at first, i thought this is just a B leveled movie, but then when i watch on, it gradually became such a beautiful movie. both the male and female main characters are just fantastic, and the directing is also very smooth, never made me feel pretentious or unrealistic. the homeless guy wrote and sang beautiful and heart-felt songs again and again. and the story about this woman who has a guilty conscience and trying so hard to help this very decent but lost soul back on his feet is such a rare viewing experience for me. the only thing that i didn't quite feel comfortable is that if this guy got T.B., how such contagious disease won't become a problem when they aboard-ed a flight? when she so kindly let him stayed at her home temporarily, did she ever consider his health problem might cause some unpredictable problem later? the stubbornness of the homeless stay-on-the-street-better-stay-under-a-roof, sleep in the open on rainy days is more comfortable than stay indoor? what kind of psychological problem or phobia syndrome for those people living on the street? of course, this movie has completely avoided the absolutely avoidable drug abusing scene, all the street bums were nice people, making this film like a sanitized film, but for the purpose of making a kinder, gentler and even poetically beautiful film, these unreality are understandable. i don't know what happened when writing this review, i suddenly become so confused about the present and past tenses, but what the hack, all i want to say is that this film is a gem that should never be overlooked. if you like to hear some nice original songs, this film is also for you. don't forget to seek out Kirk Caouette's songs to appreciate further, because every song is so original and so unpretentious.
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