Dick Figures: The Movie Movie Review By Andrew Brauer
21 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers

This was a film I have never even heard of, but thanks to the schmoesknow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5rQHclHdqI I found out more about this film. Dick Figures The Movie is based off of the insanely popular Dick Figures animated comedy series, in fact so popular, that all the funds where part of a kickstarter campaign. This film follows Red (Ed Skudder) and Blue (Zack Keller) who are two twenty something friends (where almost every person is a stick figure, just to make it clear) and Blue wants to get his girlfriend Pink (Shea Logsdon) a truly memorable gift, stumped with ideas, he and Red visit The Raccoon (playing off a racist Japanese accent voiced by Ed Skudder) and he tells the two of a story about the great sword of destiny, the two head on a globe trotting trip from Japan to France and then back to America, with much twists and turns waiting to happen. If that sounds predictable and familiar, it will at first, but once you get past the vulgarity, Dick Figures proves to be one of the best surprises of 2013. What works really well is the self awareness it brings to the table, the creators know that it won't be up to Hollywood standards when it comes to animation or casting, this film embraces it and knows how to even have some surprises, a particular scene around the end shocked me at how surprised it just happened. They also play off the idea that Red and Blue are complete polar opposites, Red is pretty much the definition of the term "YOLO" while Blue is more normal and calm. The animation (though cheap) works really well, there's a car chase that's too good to spoil. The voice acting is also terrific, particularly Keller as Blue, who is surprisingly relatable to any usual person and also has a few standout moments, but the real star is Eric Bauza as Lord Takagami, where every time his character appeared he killed it and had the most laughs, but right behind Bauza is Ben Tuller as the cheeky Lord Tourette's who doesn't have a big role, but his introduction (which is his appearance as an adult)is very memorable. Skudder was also good, but he played so many voices (a total of 13) that it's hard to figure out what his best character is. The writing is dirty but also serves for some truly hysterical lines. The pacing is super quick and will luckily keep you hooked until the final credits. Problems are that it gets a little too silly and predictable at times. But overall, Dick Figures The Movie is without a doubt one of the best surprises this year, and maybe one of the best of this year.


The particular scene around the end is when Blue almost falls to his death into Ocho Muerte's mouth but Red ends up grabbing both him and the sword at the same time, at first it sounds predictable, but when he first let's go of Blue my jaw dropped at how surprising it was, but what was more surprising was that it happened again three more times as it was all imagining. That scene is just Brilliant where it makes fun of a cliché we've all seen many times before, a few more times this film makes fun of clichés in movies, which also include the character story of the Raccoon and the traps in the temple in Japan.

Check out my video review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RiqE73TyzQ
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