One of the best films of this or any Year
20 November 2013
If this film is not on most Top 10 Lists then what I think about critics will hold. As the saying goes " I laughed, I cried, i felt good. This film shows hope in the face of the worst that life serves up, and wants you to come back for more. The acting from top to bottom was fantastic. Geoffrey Rush gives a wonderful performance that should get him an Oscar nomination. This is by no means a feel good movie, and I wouldn't bring younger kids to see it, but it will make them think about. Best of all look for the answer to the many questions this film should leave in their minds. Questions of did this happen, and if it did, WHY? I like that as in other films about this time, it focused on the ordinary people of Germany not just the victims of the Holocaust. How their lives were touched by the insanity of the masses and how some never lost sight of what it was to care about others.
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