Buyer Beware (1940)
Once again, excellence.
20 November 2013
This episode of the Crime Does Not Pay series from MGM begins like all the others--it has a fake politician introduce the film. Time and again they did this--I assume due to a feeling that this would add respectability and realism to the short films!

This installment, "Buyer Beware", is about hijacked and adulterated products. However, the focus is much more on the merchants who knowingly purchase these items--thinking they'll save a few dollars and ignoring the real cost. In this case, a pharmacy owner makes a deal with these mobsters--thinking it will help them to finally make a profit. However, his partner isn't happy when he realizes they are dealing in stolen goods and threatens to go to the police. At this point, the mob beaks the snot out of the guy and he knuckles under--accepting more shipments. However, later instead of stolen items, they give him adulterated drugs--drugs that can kill!!

This is a well made short filled with the stuff I like in the films--violence, realism and excellent acting. This is one exciting film and you assume this problem is NOT just confined to 1940! Worth your time.
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