Review of Pilot

Alpha House: Pilot (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
I thought it would be better...
20 November 2013
Now with all the political shows on TV and Netflix, I expected something more intelligent and thought-provoking, but this was a one-sided anti-conservative propaganda. I forced myself to watch the whole pilot episode, but became uninterested after 5 minutes and really felt like I wasted my time finishing it. I consider myself mostly liberal too, and this insulted my intelligence. If Amazon thinks we're all liberal idiots who will laugh at anything anti-republican, then they really demonstrated it by producing this show. There was nothing particularly funny or original, it just poked fun at all the same old stereotypes of conservatives. I expect more from a studio trying to compete with the content Netflix is creating! Amazon is playing little league, while Netflix is advancing to the majors.

If you have respect for your own taste in shows/movies, I would not waste a minute on this junk.
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