This stinks!
16 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have always loved performances by Edna May Oliver in any film...until now. Even she can't save this hopelessly dated film. And the date is crucial here. By 1934, many films were getting rather sophisticated. But there are exceptions, and this is one. This film is almost primitive, and I advise you not to waste your time.

Is there anyone with a more annoying voice and manner than Billie Burke? Well, at least in this film, Marian Nixon comes close. Together, they made this whole film grate on my nerves. And, Reginald Denny...just how did he become a busy actor? I guess the highlight of the film is looking at Buster Crabbe's fully shaved physique...and that's not much of a highlight...and Crabbe has few lines, though he appears throughout the film.

As to the plot, it's another of those 1930s stories about the well to do, although the family involved is well to due (as in bills). A wedding is in sight, and just which girl will get the used groom.

This is just plain mediocre. Pass it by.
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