To those taking this film seriously ... REALLY? REALLY?
16 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Short review: of interest to film historians only, showing the awkward launch stage of the Canadian film industry which, after only 40 years (and it seemed more like a hundred) is finally turning out world-class product, and can now supply extras who can deliver more than one accent. Longer review: Credit where credit is due. This film was done almost a full decade before MEATBALLS, the first true Canadian "breakout" film (and the one that established the First Commandment of Canadian film-making: DON'T START SHOOTING UNTIL YOU HAVE SIGNED AT LEAST ONE RECOGNIZABLE US ACTOR)and, astonishingly, it was a financial success. Why, you ask? (Or, at least, you SHOULD ask). Because producer John Dunning ran a lean and tight little film machine, pinching pennies until the beaver squealed, and he had the vision to produce this forgettable piece of history IN FRENCH FIRST, and market it to FRENCH (Quebec) AUDIENCES as a pseudo mainstream soft-core porn entry, so effectively it was already into the black before the English (dubbed) version was even attempted. The tipoff was discerning reviewers should have been that one of the two female leads is billed with the first name "Candy." But I digress. Arguably for those who really care about where Canadian film came from, this can be compared to Bell's first attempt to make a phone call. With nude girls.
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