Love/Hate: Episode #4.6 (2013)
Season 4, Episode 6
Sensational ending to a memorable season.
15 November 2013
There has been a lot of Criticism over Season 4 of Love/Hate. Some have said it's too slow or there's not enough action. Some have even said it,s the worst so far. when you look at it in that perspective you would have to agree with the critics that came out with that. But being the Worst doesn't always mean that its terrible and we clearly see an example of that in Love/Hate season 4.

Its been a slow but entertaining buildup to the season finale. Dano and Debbie two major characters from season 3 that have had little involvement this time round have ended up biting the bullet(Dano Literally). We have seen the introduction of Wayne and the Dentist Andrew, and last but not least of all we have seen the reality of what Nidge's empire has become.

So with the rumors before the show going around that Nidge or Fran was set to be clipped in the Finale,Excitement was buzzing for the viewers expecting a big twist in the end! This is where my problem lies... Many people have agreed that the ending is stupid and appalling to season 4 and that the whole series has been a waste of time. In some aspects i can agree with that statement But season 4 was not about one big storyline like the other three seasons,it was more about a continuous story that will all come to a head come season 5.

I wont spoil anything in the finale in case viewers are yet to watch the episode, but I will say this. Love/Hate season 4 finale is a fitting mid-conclusion to a storyline that has to be continued (rather than just shutting up shop and starting again come October 2014). Embrace the story for what it is and Don't compare it to the other three. If you make that mistake you will find the slow build-up tiresome to watch compared to the action-packed previous seasons. Bring on Season 5.
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