Ambassadors (2013)
Weak Weak Weak Weak WEAK
1 November 2013
Yet another typical wishy washy BBC fiasco dolled up as entertainment. You just know its a BBC product when they disparage the royal family and mention the Guardian within the first three minutes of the show.

Regarding the royal family, I am sure over at the BBC they think that somehow its 'edgy' and 'real' to knock the head of state's family and that may have been so TWENTY years ago, however, today it just looks dated and another BBC attempt to talk down the country who's people pay their over- priced bills.

The comedy fails on every level, the actors seem to have no love for the series or their parts and boy does it show, the viewer gets the strong impression the cast have no faith in what they are doing while the expression on their faces is one of abject misery, they just don't seem to want to be there, that they the cast all have better things to do , that they deserve FAR better parts but for some reason no-one else recognises their incredible comedic qualities, the dialogue is stilted, weak and forced, as for the writing, it is so unfunny as to beggar description.

Look, this is meant to be a COMEDY yet there is absolutely NOTHING funny about the show whatsoever unless you are a left-wing Guardian- reading Labour voter of 20 years ago and even then that's a real maybe.

The problem with BBC comedy these days is that they are so busy ticking all the politically-correct boxes they fail to realise that any humour a show did have has long since disappeared.

If viewers want to see REAL comedy check out VEEP as an example of what is funny because Ambassadors isn't nothing of the sort and the fact that the BBC keeps trying to sell us the licence-fee payer counterfeit goods reflects that unless they really up their game their day is done.
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