The Good Wife: Hitting the Fan (2013)
Season 5, Episode 5
Agos/Florrick begins in Hitting the fan :) powerful drama/performances A++
10 November 2013
they say that every civil war has a beginning and some relationships as great as they are together must come to a end. As Cary told Diane that this is not a camp. THIS IS ABOUT BUSINESS.

first i will start off by saying that i have a lot of points of view on this episode. i read a lot of reviews on IMDb on this episode and i will start off by saying that this is one of the best episodes that the show the good wife has done so far. my wife even agrees that she was not into the show at first but after watching the latest episodes its gotten really good. here is why it gotten good.

I love the hypocrisy that diane and will's relationship with their firm is all about. lets start off with Diane. she hates betrayal for stealing clients but its okay for lockhart and gardner to steal money away from the 4 years assoicates from their hard work by not making them partner. Will hates betrayal because Alicia was planning on leaving and there was lies and back stabbing yet this is how diane and will built their firm on the lies and back stabbing that they did to get to the top of their game. i think that alicia realize that after her promotion as partner was treated like it was nothing after she found out that the other 4 years were getting the same thing promotion that alicia thought she was the only one that was getting the promotion. i think that will was in denial about alicia not being happy and that she was going to leave the firm.

Will i think was more hurt by the fact that he has feelings her alicia but this is what he does when he doesn't get his way. i think that alicia did the smart move by leaving to show that her hard work was not going to be treated like a whatever just because will thought he own her after no one wanted to take her in as a lawyer. Yes will did get her back on her feet but this is still a business discuss and a personal one. I think with Cary its about money and respect. I think with alicia its about respect and will didn't show her respect because he thought as long as he has his top lawyer working for him will had nothing to worry about.

Josh charles gives a emmy winning performance and the cast was amazing in this episode.

why didn't kalinda get fired when will found out about the alicia and the gang leaving? and i do agree that the office space part is kinda silly why didn't alicia get peter the governor to help find some office space?

a few silly moments in the episode but i am sure that will is going to have a lot of women leaving the firm because alicia is a great lawyer. so i am hoping alicia and cary beat will and diane at their own game.
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