Resolution (III) (2012)
Not Satisfying and not fulfilling but Good
11 November 2013
I bought and watched this film because the box cover said that it is like Cabin in the Woods but better. Will blow your mind.

I really wish they would not have done this because it is nothing like that film and no where near as good of a story. With that being said, it is still a good film because it shows real promise and talent. The dialogue is well done, They kept the whole film on the cheap, as an indie film maker, there is nothing in this film that would make me think it cost 1 million dollars. This film can be made for 100 grand. I mean, one central location, few cast, no special effects. No reason to cost 1 mil. Someone got ripped off. The Cinematography is basic school level photography, looks like it was DSLR, 5 D or something. Basic coverage of a scene, nothing to write home about. There are some good elements that make you wonder what the heck is going on and really fuels you to want to watch more.

The problem, you never learn anything about why its all happening. The overall story is so muddled and convoluted that when it ends your like HUH? I don't get it, was it a demon, was it a spirit, was it the french kids from 30 years ago. You never learn WHY it happened. Its a shame too cause it could have had a much better ending. one that tied the whole story up. It just had some random moments like I can't bring this home to my wife, bring WHAT home? If it would have given me the WHY it happened and WHO was doing it? My rating would easily jump to a 7-8
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