Review of Thirst

Thirst (I) (2012)
Unrealistic Premises for a Superficial Story Line
10 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Australian desert provides a scenic setting for this movie. Unfortunately, we don't get to see much of it; almost the entire movie is filmed in or around a cabin in the desert. Adding to the monotony is a sparse cast of only four characters.

The story revolves around the four characters who are stranded in the desert without water, transportation, and communication capability with the outside world.

When the movie begins, Minna is living alone in the desert with enough food for her to plan on living in the desert cabin for the next six months. She also has a water tank containing a plentiful supply for her to have been watering a tree she's planted in front of her cabin.

Boyce arrives at the cabin to evict Minna because her lease has been canceled. Minna does not want to leave and, when physically forced by Boyce to leave, decides to sabotage him by puncturing the fuel tank on his truck. (If you wonder why she's so adamant about not leaving to take such a measure, you'll need better luck than I had to find a convincing reason in the movie.) Before Minna could use her computer to call in help to take Boyce away, two teenagers passing nearby encounters car trouble. Minna and Boyce go out to find the broken down car and to offer help.

The teenagers steal Boyce's truck and uses up what little remaining fuel to get to Minna's cabin. We're told the youngsters are fugitives from police and for that reason they destroyed the computer to break contact with the outside world. The two also exhaust the water supply at the cabin by liberally washing their hands and hair. They did this despite having carried no water with them on their persons or in their broken down car even though their travel plan involved driving into the middle of a vast desert. At this point, the characters have set the nonsensical premise of the movie by knowingly putting themselves into a situation where they have no transportation, no communication to the outside, and no water in the desert.

If you expect the rest of the movie to offer clever escape plans (something like siphoning fuel from the teenagers's car to use in the truck) or arduous efforts of survival, you'll be disappointed. What you'll likely get is more nonsensical drivel.
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