" Christmas Magic 1905 Style "
10 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What a delightful nostalgic gem from Christmas past. I could just feel the excitement and wonderment this film would have brought to audiences of 1905, especially the children. This Edwin S. Porter directed film for the Edison Manufactoring Company is very well done for it's time and follows the poem, Twas The Night Before Christmas nicely. With appealing scenes of Santa feeding his reindeer, making toys in his work shop and looking over his who's been naughty and nice list, these enchanting scenes further the magical story. We also see a family, with the children anticipating the arrival of Christmas morning too excited for sleep, having a pillow fight in their beds. For antique toy collectors this film is for you, as Santa leaves a wonderful assortment of beautiful toys, and he even provides the Christmas tree !!. Whoever played Santa was a perfect choice, he looks like the Santa from the old postcards of the time and he charms all the more with a terrific close-up wishing all a Merry Christmas to close the film. I really appreciated watching this purely enjoyable very early silent film, that still captures the imagination. There are several postings of this film on YouTube, watch and be delighted.
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