Too much 'hooray for us' and not enough critical analysis.
8 November 2013
"The Pirate: A Musical Treasure Chest" is a making of featurette that is included with the DVD for the 1948 Gene Kelly/Judy Garland film "The Pirate". The film is pretty much what you'd expect--lots of background information and behind the scenes info about the actors, song writer and the like. A couple interesting folks in the film were Liza Minnelli and Gene Kelly's wife (who is AMAZINGLY young)--and I did appreciate these folks and their comments. However, one serious problem isn't addressed--"The Pirate" is a bad film. It's an example of a decent story that doesn't work because the music just doesn't work with the film. While Cole Porter did some terrific music over the years, the filmmakers took existing Porter songs and crammed them into a story that had nothing to do with the film. This is NEVER addressed and the film SOUNDS like it was one of the greatest films of all time--which it clearly wasn't. The public hated the film and it lost a huge amount of money. So, because the film never really addresses this, it's like the proverbial elephant in the room no one is talking about--and no one talks about the shortcomings of this picture.
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