Poirot: The Big Four (2013)
Season 13, Episode 2
A decent attempt to adapt near impossible material
6 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Since David Suchet first revealed that the 'Poirot' series would eventually cover all of Agatha Christie's Poirot stories, I have been wondering how on earth the production team would adapt 'The Big Four'. The book is a mess, its story laughable, and it was truly the low-point of Agatha Christie's output.

So I was reasonably impressed to see that a decent attempt to adapt the book for the screen has been achieved. The ludicrous plot of the book is not disregarded entirely, but is instead recognised for its laughable and incredible character and found a new 'home' in a story more appropriate and conventional for Poirot. On the whole it works, and for once the producers can be forgiven for departing so much from the original novel because they really had no choice.

As always, the acting is excellent, and the result is a moderately enjoyable, if ultimately still slightly lightweight, two hours of television.
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