More a documentary than a piece of art
3 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The aesthetic is not developed because of low budget. But some scenes like the first one on the parliament and the masonic initiation one still show some pictorial efforts.

I've seen this movie as a french guy who knows history of his country but got poor English (sorry readers).

This film depicts how masons pick young leaders among MP and try to corrupt them.

It has been bashed by post-war intellectuals because screenwriter and director were on the losers' side. But let's look at the background of screenwriter and director : both are repentant seasoned masons (especialy for J. Mamy).

They have their debatable point of view but have credibility on their knowledge. This facts are proved and clearly documented on the french and English wikipedia. If you want to check, please look for Jean Charles Mamy (director) and Jean Marquès-Rivière (screenwriter).

To sum it up, this film is really interesting to watch as long as you keep in mind that people who wrote and directed it were very aware of the subject but far from neutral because of personal grudge against freemasonry. After reasonable researches on the Internet I've not found anybody who can produce facts that contradict the film's point of view (but it might exist), the most frequent argument being only to go straight to the Godwin point.
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