Review of Reign

Reign (2013–2017)
A Pretty Good Show but for What Audience?
3 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I doubt if anyone is watching this for historical accuracy, at least I hope not, but it is a pretty good show as it actually features young actors who can act, a decent plot, and nice scenery. The young queen and her attendants are more advertisements for attractive prom dresses during court scenes, and the music is certainly a lot more hip than Mary, Queen of Scots, would have ever heard but every thing comes together nicely. Definitely one of the more intelligent shows to appear on TV which should doom it. But I hope some audience discovers the show as it deserves a run of at least a few seasons. And who knows; it might even encourage someone to look into the history of the period. And come on; a show with a lecherous king, a plotting queen, Nostradamus having visions of blood and gore, and a castle spook deserves a chance. No doubt they were casting this series with a teenage audience in mind but really, how did they intend to hook that age group with a quasi-historical set piece feature characters they aren't familiar with and could care less about. Somehow they caught a few out of demographic oldsters like me who stopped by to see how they would mangle history but stayed as the wrong audience. Other ancients might like Isabelle in Spanish with subtitles on Hulu.
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