Review of Fat Head

Fat Head (2009)
Amusing > Believable
2 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not all parents can manage keeping themselves on a healthy diet with daily exercise. What they bring to the table won't create a healthy life style for them or their children especially if they get used to it, then food like McDonald's is no longer a treat. Tom Naughton from Fat Head has tried low fat diets such as Pritikin until proved unhealthy when founder Nathan Pritikin died from Leukemia as a result. Naughton claims that low fat diets are depressing, since most of the brain is composed of fat, saturated fats are necessary to make the brain happy. But Naughton speaks from personal experience. Tom is also a father his film isn't focused on childhood obesity, but as a parent should Naughton be concerned by the epidemic. While many parents are suing McDonald's over childhood obesity, Naughton support McDonald's side instead by attacking Super-Size Me.

Naughton enjoys fast-food, consider obese by the government's BMI standards, but exercises every day; so he says. Based off the current McDonald's nutrition facts, Tom Naughton claims that Morgan Spurlock calorie count from Super-Size Me made years before this movie was wrong. So without seeing the Spurlock's official food log, Naught tries to prove that fast food doesn't make you gain weight with exercise by going on an all fast food diet despite his doctor's advice, but doesn't clarify if his diet will be a month long like Spurlock's. Tom Naughton is just a computer programmer, part time comedian, who has only made this documentary, and most importantly Naughton is a parent. Whereas award winning documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has made over fifty documentaries and was not a parent at time of his movie; I know Naughton's looking for a challenge, but when he said if Spurlock stayed on the McDonald's diet he would have lost the weight from Super-Size Me faster than the four months he was on a vegan diet, Spurlock overshadowed him. If McDonald's is the reason Spurlock gained that weight in the first place, why would more McDonald's be the solution? Above all Tom Naughton is in support of something that does cause obesity on daily basis, but Naughton is no Ronald McDonald restaurant mascot, he's a parent who brings the food straight to the table. Instead of making this film, Naughton should've focused his "baloney" on his own kids to see where that takes him.
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