Prototypical early whodunit
2 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"The Bishop Murder Case" may seem antiquated to modern audiences, but it's worth sitting through for some very effective camera shots (examples: the second and the fourth murder), a twist-and-trick-filled ending, as well as Basil Rathbone's terrific performance as Philo Vance; taller than everyone else in the cast, he is authoritative, suave and convincingly intellectual. Some of the other actors still have the tendency to do grimaces and gestures more befitting of silent films (which is understandable, it was 1930 after all), but others (Philo's two sidekicks, for example) are more modern. Now more widely available for viewing, "The Bishop Murder Case" does require some patience, but it has its rewards. **1/2 out of 4.
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