Review of Divination

Divination (III) (2011)
Fun movie, but poisonous too.
1 November 2013
Sometimes the truth is black and white. This movie is entertaining and has some really good special effects but there are some real flaws that hamper it. If you understand this was written from a fundamentalist Christian viewpoint you can forgive its narrow view of reality and enjoy the movie for the angel battle scenes alone. I thought the actors were competent and entertaining too.

However, the author presents the practice of divination as evil and a gateway to other evils. Many non-fundamentalist families, students of history and the occult would disagree with this narrow and fear-dominated approach to understanding man's interest in and practice of actual divination. I'm sure the author imagines the people who watch this movie will be Christians and who better to deceive with his paranoia about other systems of spirituality. I agree with the author that fear can be very damaging, but beyond that, the movie bases its premise on the uneducated fundamentalist Christian world-view. As usual, fundamentalist Christians see no other path but their own and fear everything else.
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