Fish Story (2009)
A Review of "Fish Story"
21 October 2013
The characters of this movie each lives in different generations of Japan. The members of an unsalable band named "Gekirin", a timid collage student, a high school girl who is caught up in sea-jack. First their stories each go on without any connection, however, facing the world's end, their stories starts to link.

First, the structure of story is full of surprise. For a long time I like the original novel before watching this film. Sometimes movies which based on novels betray the original fans, this movie do not. The casts each suit the characters (especially I like Masashi!) and the song which"Gekirin" performs is taken charge of Kazuyoshi Saito and more than just a movie sound.

This movie describes an imaginary miracle but shows us the importance of taking an action actively. When I am puzzled with something, the scene of Masashi always inspires me with courage.
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