Tales from the Crypt: The Switch (1990)
Season 2, Episode 2
Some women just aren't worth the hassle
19 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Carlton Webster (William Hickey) is in love with a woman named Linda (Kelly Preston) Linda says he is far too old for her. He is willing to go to extreme lengths to make her fall in love with him. He tries a normal plastic surgeon, but he tells Carlton he can't do what he's looking for. He decides to visit a a special doctor (Roy Brocksmith) He happens to specialize in making old men, look MUCH younger. Carlton pays ludicrous amounts of money to get the special surgery, and replace his body parts.

For some reason, I just knew this was going to be one of the best Tales from The Crypt Episodes when Arnold Schwarzenegger popped up to make quick cameo with the crypt keeper. It was just an epic moment for me, and made me say "Yep. This is gonna rule" It was something I was NOT expecting, considering Arnie was a HUGE star. His cameo is very quick, but hilarious. I'm a huge Arnold fan, so that made my night. This episode is gleefully twisted, booming with creativity. We've all been in a situation where an ungrateful woman keeps rejecting you, despite the amazing lengths you'll go to win her. I immediately empathized with Carlton, just for that reason. That poor sap literally reshapes his whole body to please this girl. Kudos to Kelly Preston for playing a bit of a vindictive witch and you know what the amazing thing about her vindictiveness is? It was in a subtle manner! She did it very politely, which made her all the more infuriating. Not much gore to speak of here, but there are some creepy images. Rick Rossovich's body trouble in this one, gave me the willies. The twist ending was very well done. As a couple of other reviewers rightfully pointed out, it has a bit of a moralized message to it. If a woman won't accept you for who you are, forget it, and move on. Always be yourself, kiddies!

Final Thoughts: This is one of my favorite Tales from The Crypt episodes. Come on! Not only do you have a tremendously entertaining 25 minutes or so of great T.V, but Arnold freakin' Schwarzenegger even takes time to visit? Do you really need my recommendation?!

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