Terribly offended
18 October 2013
Although beautifully shot and designed as a Christian I would be terribly offended. No one from IHOP is telling the Ugandans to beat the homosexuals. Christians don't only go to Uganda to share that "homosexuality" is wrong. They go to serve the people, bring medicine, help build churches and wells. Although there is a bill originally called for life imprisonment for anyone engaging in homosexual intercourse and for the death penalty for repeat offenders. The penalties have since been reduced, but the harshness of the bill remains and it might yet become law. This is one side of the story and I think it is a wrong way. It is Simply misleading, outrageous, and don't waste your time.It blurs American Extremists to American Christians and it is simply wrong. Demonize the Christians and leave Africa alone because they are better off is the moral of this movie.
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