Home Improvement: Flying Sauces (1991)
Season 1, Episode 8
Cooking with Gags...
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's tough being the youngest, your older brothers don't want to be seen with you, let alone give you the time of day. What's even tougher is being the parents of these siblings and trying to decide what is the best method of handling such problems when they arise. That's the project on tonight's Home Improvement. Brad and Randy won't stop pushing Mark around, so Tim and Jill have to decide what to do about it: Tim suggests an eye for an eye, but Jill, always the optimist, thinks talking out the problem is the best solution. Today, when Brad and Randy ditch Mark and go to the park without him, Jill sits them down and tries to make them see the error of their ways. Tim takes her side, but that doesn't stop Randy from pointing out that Tim bullied his younger brothers as well. However, the boys do make what looks like a heartfelt apology and promise to be nice. So after that, Tim and Jill go down to the basement, where the Taylor patriarch comes across their collection of 8-track tapes and other ancient artifacts of the '60s and '70s. They quiz each other on the golden oldies, Jill coming out on top, and while that was going on, the little wiener-heads continued to walk all over Mark. And if you think they've been bad up till now, get a load of this: they tell a big fib about how not only are they not Mark's brothers, but their parents are not his either. They're space aliens who inhabited his family's bodies and they're leaving tonight, to leave Mark all alone. Naturally, when the parents hear about this, they're at a loss for words. Well, Jill is...oddly, enough, but Tim on the other hand is always one for fighting fire with fire, and wants to devise a suitable form of payback, and it's gonna be sweet.

Next day, on Tool Time, Tim and Al welcome the boys from K&B Construction in Bay City: Rock Lannigan, Pete Bilker and Dwayne Hoover. Working on the high steel can work up a big appetite, so Rock demonstrates a new method for making a grilled cheese sandwich using a blow torch, while Dwayne and Pete show how to make shishkabobs with a dip stick. Tim's appetite is not only whet, but burned and greased. That night, Operation: UFO commences. Mark meets his extra-terrestrial brothers in the backyard, their intent being to lock him out. However, the tables are turned when a brilliant strobe light fills the yard, and then from behind Wilson's fence comes a man in coveralls, covered in Christmas lights and wearing a welder's mask. Tim Alien has landed! The boys try to book it inside, only to find themselves locked out and Jill, wearing a horrific mask, has gotten in on the fun. Revenge is a sweet, sweet dish best served cold...unless you've got that Binford 3000 blow torch handy. So to celebrate their victory, Tim and Jill dance to In a Gadda Di Vida in the backyard.

Great episode, one of the classics! Also fun to watch around Halloween time, since Season 1 didn't really have a classified Halloween episode. I think those who were the youngest sibling in the family can identify with Mark here, seeing how Randy and Brad treat him. Or if you were the oldest, maybe it can help you reflect back on what a butt-head you used to be, or still are. All in all, this one has got it where it counts, and it even has a few jokes thrown in for the adults. You know which ones I'm talking about. So be sure to check out Flying Sauces, showing that the way to solve a problem is not to get mad, but to get even.
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