Enjoyable, but nothing special
11 October 2013
In a year in which most comedies have been rather lackluster, We're The Millers is above the previously mentioned, but still not as good as it could've been.

What makes the film work is the chemistry between the cast. Jason Sudeikis is great as always and gets the best material to work with her. Jennifer Aniston and the actors playing the kids do a good job as well. They all helped carry this movie and are the most enjoyable thing about it. Ed Helms also has a supporting role in which he is fantastic! The film has a great setup and the first 30 minutes are really funny. However, once the films kicks into gear and the characters hit the road, it somewhat falls apart a bit. The main problem with the film is that the script is weak and doesn't deliver as many laughs as it should. That's not to say all of the jokes fall flat, but I found myself chuckling a lot more than actually laughing. They could've really done something fun with this concept, but instead it ends up feeling like a generic road trip movie with an uneven mix of raunchy R-rated and weak sitcom level humor. A good majority of the funniest parts of the film were already spoiled in the red band trailer which also didn't help.

Don't get me wrong this is not a terrible film, but you'd expect something with a bit more effort put into it considering the people involved. It has plenty of decently funny moments and the cast does an excellent job. But, the script is very weak and it never takes full advantage of it's concept. It's still better than some other recent comedies such as The Hangover: Part III and Grown Ups 2, but it's still rather disappointing and a bit dull.

Worth a rental.
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