The last great superpower, the last great dogmatic nation
3 October 2013
As someone based in the UK, I live in one of the most secular countries in the world, (which Im very pleased to say). That said, there's still far too much religious influence even here (as far as Im concerned). But when it comes to America however, US government and US schools have long been infiltrated by religious crackpots trying to infest minds with their dogma written by sheep-herders some 2000yrs ago. Its quite likely, that America is much more religiously biased than countries like Iraq and Afghanistan which it portrays as places of crazy faith-fuelled zealots.

Just why it is that many parts of America are still fighting the theory of Evolution (even on the use of the word "theory") is amazing in this scientific age. Maybe this was easier back in 1859 when even the great man Darwin wasn't exactly sure as to what the mechanisms of Evolution were, but with the discovery of DNA any doubt was wiped from the record. And here we are almost 100yrs after the Scopes Trial still going over the same old rants from lunatics.

The Revisionaries movie documents just what happens when one of these religious loonies gets themselves into a position to affect schooling for everyone, by controlling what books are sent to US schools and therefore having a country-wide influence. It's a stunning film, and it runs like some surreal story from a distant time and place, when (very) alarmingly it isn't. Today its almost impossible to declare oneself an Atheist and be successful in US government, which gives ideology a fine foothold in American life. The media gets involved too, with places like FOX News also contaminating the water. The final piece of the twisted puzzle is to run their dogma like cancer through American schools eradicating all things Darwinesque. Some folk just don't get the "separation between church and state" idea I guess.

I cant fathom how it is that one manages to blinker themselves to the huge mass of information out there proving the age of the Universe, Galaxy, Solar System and Earth but it must take some doing. The film openly shows backward humans declaring the planet is 6000yrs old (lol). I suppose if you read/say something enough times however you may well start to believe your own mantra. Those peasants who wrote what is known as "The Bible" probably had about as much intelligence back then as some of these Texas Board members do right now – still selling the same old fairies in the sky.

But of course, we all know science and logic will ultimately prevail.

For those folk of rationality, intellect, and free-thought, watch this movie and feel your jaw drop at the hilarity of it all. Maybe some day we will be rid of these crazy people stuck in their Dark Ages time-warp. Or maybe we could just pack them all into a big boat somewhere, two by two, and let them sail off to la-la-land so we don't have to listen to them any more. Ahh… that would be nice.
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