Excellent film - shows the faces of recovery and the history of addiction and recovery.
29 September 2013
As a mother of a daughter who is two years into long term recovery from prescription pills, I am thankful that Greg made this movie. It gives families hope that their child can have a productive life and career. It is as difficult to deal with the stigma attached to addiction as it was to recognize the problem and find treatment. My fear was that she had limited her possibilities for career and family but that is just not true. She is finishing a degree in Social Work and will start her Masters next summer. She studied abroad this summer in Gulu, Uganda and is helping to translate a publication for a major support organization into their language which has 20 million people who speak it.

Watching the movie showed me lots of others who have experienced happiness and productive lives. I only hope that the general public has a chance to view it. It is still difficult to deal with the reaction of friends who don't have a clue because so many have been silent about their recovery.

There was an added benefit to the movie in that it helped educate me on the history of addiction and recovery. I thought that I was aware because I have been developing a cell phone app for families of people seeking recovery but I learned about work being doing in recovery of which I was totally unaware. I also met Carol McDaid who was a heroin addict as a teenager but as a lobbyist in DC has instrumental in the passage and implementation of the parity legislation.

I highly recommend that everyone watch this film!
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