A Tough Business To Be In.
29 September 2013
David Mamet adapted his own play for this profane but compelling film about a troubled real estate office(run by Williamson, played by Kevin Spacey) that gets a visit from a corporate troubleshooter(Memorably played by Alec Baldwin) who lays down the law for the agents(played by Jack Lemmon, Alan Arkin, Ed Harris, and Al Pacino) Either you succeed, or you're fired, and one of you is already doomed(No third prize, and Pacino was already safe). This sets off an escalating chain of desperation among the remaining agents, that will lead to an office break-in and theft...

Well acted by all, and quite provocative and tragic look at some men(one in particular) who are in over their head in the wrong job, and are about to be destroyed. Only problem is that there is no one to root for here, and the constant profanity is too much, but overall story is so interesting that it makes up for the lack of emotional involvement.
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