April Maze (1930)
An abomination.
23 September 2013
Felix the Cat and his kids (kids?!) try to go for a picnic. However, all sorts of problems occur and they never get to enjoy their day.

During the 1920s, some of the very best cartoons available were Felix the Cat. While the animation style was only fair, its competition was no better. However, the cartoons were hilarious--so funny that when you watch them today, you can't help but laugh. When I tried to watch "April Maze", I was shocked--it was like I was watching an entirely different cartoon character. Gone was all the humor and in its place was a glacial pace, animation quality that had fallen way behind the times and a pointlessness I found shocking. I even tried increasing the frame rate (i.e., my viewer on Windows will let me double the speed of a film if I want) and it STILL dragged. Too often, characters and the opening titles seemed to be going at a snail's pace! Overall, a very frustrating film. It was silent during a time when all the other films had switched to sound, featured bad animation and a script that was shockingly disjoint and unfunny. Avoid at all costs--and I can see why Felix went from the most popular cartoon character to a has-been by the 1930s!
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