Dexter: Remember the Monsters? (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
Worst Finale EVER!
23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst finale ever - the pacing was terrible, the acting sub-par (even though Michael C Hall is usually pretty good - did anyone feel moved at all watching the Dexter and Deb holding the baby scene?) and the story.. GOOD LORD was it BAD.

As a season finale to a show about a serial killer this needed to go one of two ways - he ends tragically or he rides off into the sunset. This ending was more a "we're out of ideas so let's just make an open-ended cryptic finish and pretend it's meaningful."

The whole story arc of this season has been ridiculous - he struggles to regain his humanity then ends by abandoning his child and Hannah.. the exact opposite. They try to make it out that he doing it to protect them but it's just not believable - he has shown he has changed and no longer wishes to kill. What then is he protecting them from? A loving and devoted father?. And she is a wanted fugitive with a child in foreign country. Abandoning them seems like the very worst thing he could do. Dexter spent the ENTIRE SEASON chasing this goal of a life with Hannah. What was the point in all that if he is just going to abandon them anyway?

I really wish this final season had been Dexter facing the consequences of his years of killing and either escaping with an extraordinary Dexter-esque plan or it all come crashing down and he goes to jail. All his friends turning on him and Miami metro chasing one of their own would have made for an epic final season. Instead we get some uninspired drivel that is very unsatisfying and doesn't leave you feeling one way or the other. Was it a sad ending? Not really, they did all escape but his sister died (and what was with that - wouldn't you wait to see how bad her condition really was before deciding to kill her?). Was it a happy ending? No he ended alone and miserable yet Hannah and Harrison walk off into the sunset. #Confused.

Dexter was great series but this last season really hasn't delivered. You create a plot arc for what 9 Episodes involving Dr Vogel then drop her in a way that doesn't really add anything to the story. We already know Saxon is a psycopath he doesn't need any more reason to come after Dexter. Also, only introducing the main bad guy (Saxon) halfway through the final season is very poor form. It doesn't give enough time for him to develop as a real nemesis like the trinity or ice truck killer was. Very disappointing for a finale.

Overall this finale was a MASSIVE let down. They didn't wrap up any of the loose ends (Masuka's daughter anyone?) and the story arc was terrible.

My hopes now lie with Breaking Bad to provide a great conclusion to one of my favourite shows.
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